As you progress though the interview season using our services, we'd love to hear from you!
Interview Broker is the "must have" platform for residency interviews. It's well designed, incredibly efficient and very professional. I can schedule 100 interviews with one click, and the applicants fill the spots within an hour. Simply amazing.
Interview Broker is the new wave of technology. Applicants love it. I love it. My program loves it. It's a one-stop shop. It's easy to use, effortless, and keeps you organized.
Your program is amazing! We are blown away by how well this is working, and how quickly we have people scheduled. This is such an incredible improvement over how we have managed this process in the past. I could not be happier!
I just wanted to say thank you again this year for your outstanding product. It makes our process so much easier. I am a total "broker junkie."
The beauty of Interview Broker is that it stopped my phone from ringing. Candidates could reschedule and cancel themselves. We ended up reducing our phone conversations with applicants by 85%!
I sent out 58 invitations for phone interviews yesterday, by this morning 50 of them have scheduled, and I haven't had to do hardly anything! It was almost fun to just keep refreshing the screen yesterday afternoon to watch as candidates scheduled and rescheduled themselves without bothering me!
You have made my life so much easier this interview season already. What a difference the right tools can do to help you get your work done with a minimum of effort! I love, love, love this product!